Главная » Тексты » The Jackson 5 - Тексты и переводы песен » Maybe Tomorrow

Spoken intro:
It was there on my grandma's farm
Where the grapes grew high on the barn
Yeah, that's where we first met, little girl.

You ain't gonna 'mount to nothin'
'Cause you ain't gonna work for nothin'
Without you, I'm good for nothin', honey chile.

Ooow, honey chile
Sho' 'bout to drive me wild
And I love you so,
I can't let go now, honey chile.
Oooh, sugar chile
I'd walk me a country mile
Just to be with you
It’s sad but true now, honey chile

You don’t act like a lady
‘Cause you've been courtin' Davey
His reputation's shady, honey chile.
Hey, you even went out with Cally
That guy from across the alley
Oh, I've been keeping tally, honey chile

You're like the grapes upon the vine
That went in Granny’s wine
'Cause like that homemade wine so sweet
You sho ‘nuff drivin' me out of my mind now
You’re friends with every playboy
Using me for a play toy
You'll ruin my pride and joy now, honey chile

Ow, honey chile,
Sho' 'bout to drive me wild
And I love you so,
I can't let go now, honey chile.
Oooh sugar chile
I'd walk me a country mile
Just to be with you
It’s sad but true now, honey chile

Why dontcha put on your shoes, little girl?
Then I can kiss ya!

Ooooh, looky here now.
One day I'm gonna get stronger
And I won't need you no longer
This feeling will be gone now, honey chile.
I can't take disgracin'
That ain't the way grandma raised me
You're gonna hurt me crazy, honey chile
Hey, sugar chile,
I'd walk me a country mile
Just to be with you
It’s sad but true now, honey chile
Hey honey chile you sho’ 'bout to drive me wild
And I love you so I can’t let go now, honey chile.
The Jackson 5 - Тексты и переводы песен » Maybe Tomorrow
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Моей первой любовью была классическая музыка. В детском саду мы слушали Чайковского каждый день. Я бы с удовольствием поработал с Чайковским или Клодом Дебюсси.