Главная » Тексты » The Jackson 5 - Тексты и переводы песен » Boogie

I was born in Lil' Rock,
Had a childhood sweetheart,
We were always hand in hand.

I was hightop shoes and shirt tails,
Suzy was in pig tails,
I know I loved her even then.

You know my papa disapproved it,
My mama boohooed it,
But I told them time and time again,
"Don't you know I was made to love her,
Built a world all around her"
Yah! Hey, hey, hey.

She's been my inspiration,
Showed appreciation
For the love I gave her through the years.

Like a sweet magnolia tree
My love blossmed tenderly,
My life grew sweeter through the years.

I know that my baby loves me,
My baby needs me,
That's why we made it through the years.

I was made to love her,
Worship and adore her,
Hey, hey, hey.

All through thick and thin
Our love just won't end,
'Cause I love my baby, love my baby. Ah!

My baby loves me,
My baby needs me,
And I know I ain't going nowhere.

I was knee high to a chicken
When that love bug bit me,
I had the fever with each passing year.

Oh, even if the mountain tumbles,
If this whole world crumbles,
By her side I'll still be standing there.

'Cause I was made to love her,
I was made to live for her, yeah!

Ah, I was made to love her,
Built my world all around her,
Hey, hey, hey.

Oo baby, I was made to please her,
You know Stevie ain't gonna leave her, no,
Hey, hey, hey.

Oo wee baby, my baby loves me,
My baby needs me,
Hey, hey, hey.

Oo my baby loves me....
The Jackson 5 - Тексты и переводы песен » Boogie
Дата: 25-02-2012T03:01 | рейтинг 0.0 (0) | просмотров 1712 | комментарии 0 | Добавил:
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