Главная » Тексты » Майкл Джексон - Тексты и переводы песен » Forever, Michael

You are there like the laughter of a child
When I need just a smile
Suddenly the sun shines for a while

Everywhere sounds of love are everywhere
And my heart sings along
Thanks to you I finally got a song,

'Cause you are there,
You are there
You are there somewhere
Each time my world seems like it's falling down
Things look up just having you around
So every night I say a prayer
Just because you're there

Like a rainbow after rain
Like the night follows day
You're the answer to the prayers I say,

And you are there,
You are there
You are there somewhere
No matter where I go or what I do
You are there to help me see it trough,
So every night I say a prayer,
Just because you're there

Ouuh, you are there,
Oooh, you are there, somewhere
And as the years go by we'll stay as true,
What you are for me I'll be for you
And every night I'll say a prayer,
Just because you're there,

Oooh, you are there,
Oooh, you are there,
Everywhere, you are ther
Майкл Джексон - Тексты и переводы песен » Forever, Michael
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Но это моя судьба — восполнять недостаток Детства, которого я не знал.